The paper deals with the „Commentary to the Apocalypse” of Tyconius. Tyconius was a Donatist layman of the fourth century. He rejected the eschatological, millenarist, interpretation of the Apocalypse. He interpreted the Apocalypse as a book concentrated on the present condition of the Church. He accepted the universality of the Church and the validity of the sacraments, but, although excommunicated by his own Church, he did not become Catholic. However, his commentary had a great impact on the future Catholic interpretation of the Apocalypse.Kościół afrykański zawsze wyróżniał się przez kult męczeństwa. Niektórzy widzieli w tym jeszcze echo pogańskiego kultu Saturna, związanego także z punickim Baalem, wciąż niesytego krwawych ofiar. Wskaz...